My Adventure

It's an hour before this month ends. April 2010, was a very colorful journey because I have enjoyed it with a very special person in my life and I am very lucky to have him my "Lucky" baby. He made me realize that there is more to life than the four corners of my room.

We went out of the city to enjoy nature in the province of Moal-boal, Cebu. We rode using his motorbike. It was such an adventure breathing fresh air. All throughout the journey holding and embracing him while on the highway with other motorist driving.

Discovering nature as God's gift made me discover much more of my baby. We were out of the city for three days. We took pictures of every beautiful scenery we saw along the way, stopping by to ask information of a specific location. People were so helpful and very courteous. There was a positive energy along the way. I felt the love of nature and the people we met felt the love me and my baby shared.

I can't imagine this life without someone to share it with. I hope and pray that my baby is the one for me.

Life is an adventure and every day is a learning experience. We may have some and lose some but one thing is for sure "Nothing is more rewarding than enjoying life while it lasts".
