The Prophecy

This year may be the most disastrous year I can think of for the past 31 years of my existence. It is just the first quarter, but a lot are happening. The Tsunami that hit Japan and war in the Middle East.

Japan, is one of the largest and most technologically advanced producers of motor vehicles, electronics, machine tools, ships, chemical substances, textiles, and processed foods. And thinking of how developed this country is, still they were not able to get away with natural disaster. It was so sad to know that thousands of families lost their loved ones, houses, and their source of living. It made me reflect that no matter how rich, powerful or famous you are; it doesn't matter when judgment comes. Life, is very unpredictable. We have to make the most of this life that God has given us and should be a good one.

Some people believe that it is the prophecy of the end of the world. I have read, watched and listened to everything about this, but one thing I am sure of "The end is just the beginning".
