Being a Fan

I decided to get myself a twitter account, after a long time thinking of doing so. I actually had one before, but decided to deactivate it after 24 hours : )  I didn't know how it works and find it so disorganized ( not to mention all the tweets you can read from people you don't know personally and simply tweeting about their day and updates all about anything and everything under the sun. I just realized, the word "tweet" is a noun which means a chirping noise. So obviously, though  not the same spelling got it from : ). I have read that you can follow legends/artists/musicians past and present through twitter. Not only public figures got themselves their own twitter account, but some people that are simply fans made accounts of their favorite stars which makes twitter a fad worldwide.

So here I am with my official twitter account @mitchick80. My purpose is not only to follow my favorite stars in different fields, but to send my message across by posting quotes and talk about my blog. I am so happy reading updates from my favorite public figures Sarah Geronimo(@Sgeronimo25) and Bianca Gonzales (@iamsuperbianca). Upon reading bianca's twitter update, she inspired me to make this blog about being a fan. She talked about her experience meeting and greeting the one and only Kobe Bryant. I may not have the same experience as bianca. But the idea of being close to her via twitter is priceless. "Being a fan is a reflection of oneself"
